Recording: Todd Kesselman and Scott Shushan. Notes: Marianne LeNabat.
Syllabus- Introduction - 1st and 2nd Critiques - The Kantian Project - Aesthetics & Philosophy -- 9.5.2007
- Before
- After
- Aesthetic Judgement -- 10.10.2007
- Before
- After
- Aesthetic Judgement Continued - Dsinterestedness -- 10.17.2007
- Before
- After
- Purposiveness -- 10.24.2007
- Before
- After
- Recording Found! -- 10.31.2007
- Before
- After
- The Deduction: Three Interpretations of the Justification of Judgements of Taste -- 11.7.2007
- Before
- After
- The Deduction Continued - The Sublime -- 11.14.2007
- Before
- After
- The Sublime -- 11.28.2007
- Before
- After
- The Sublime & Aesthetic Ideas -- 12.05.2007
- Before
- After