Recording: Todd Kesselman and Scott Shushan. Notes: Lucas Ulrich, Sonia Ahsan and Devan Musser
SyllabusNotes (Lectures 1-4)
- Phenomenology of Spirit, Observing Reason: Transition from Self-Consciousness -- 1.24.2007
- Before
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, Observing Reason: Critique of Moral Individualism -- 2.07.2007
- Due to technical difficulties the first half of this week's lecture was not recorded. You may refer to the original tapes for this half of the lecture. Here are the audio files, First, Second and Third.
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, Transition to Spirit -- 2.14.2007
- Before and After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, Antigone and Rome -- From The Ethical Order to Culture -- 3.7.2007
- Before
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, The State and Civil Society -- Speech and Being -- Certainty, Cogito, and Faith -- 3.14.2007
- Before
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, Reason and Faith -- Critique of Enlightenment -- The French Revolution -- 3.28.2007
- Before
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, French Revolution Part II: The Coldness of Kantian Moral Reason -- Death as the Foundation of Meaning -- Tragedy and Castration -- 4.4.2007
- Before
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, The Postulates of Pratical Reason (Kant) -- You Ought! -- The "Highest Good" -- Reason and Natural Desire - Virtue and Happiness -- 4.11.2007
- Before
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, End of the Chapter on Spirit (Conscience) -- Action and Retrospection -- Moral Apperception or the Conscientious 'I Think' -- Reproachability and the 'Beautiful Soul' -- 4.18.2007
- Before
- After
- Phenomenology of Spirit, Forgiveness and Confession-- The Hardness of Heart -- Judging and Acting Consciousness -- Intention and Expression -- A Modern Antigone -- 4.25.2007
- Before
- After